It's Ok
Having seen the original version of this series and watching this one episode, I feel like there could have been more improvement done in regards to the plot and how some of the characters were read.
In truth, Nylocke was the best of the characters being voiced but that falls to LK doing a fun reading for the character. As for characters like Kirbopher and Flamegirl, I feel like they don't come off as interesting as they could be. Flamegirl feels a little too "down-played" when she's being voiced and some of her dialog doesn't sound natural to any conversation. As for Kirbopher, I get he's being played up as the "guy who really wants to be the hero but it's just not happening" but it feels like he's being played too dumb and the idea is being forced too much.
I would have loved to have seen a different story being told with this setting and these character but that's always up to the creator to decided. I'm not really sold on this series yet but it's only episode 1. I really hope this can be something better then it's former-self and I hope I can look forward to future episodes to prove me wrong in my current assumptions.